Our Focus


+ Pregnancy and Postpartum +

Here are several ways that consistent chiropractic care can benefit your pregnancy and postpartum period. 

  • Provides greater comfort during pregnancy

  • Reduces average labor times

  • Encourages optimal fetal position through optimal pelvic alignment

  • Reduces neck, back & pelvic pain

  • Supports a natural labor & delivery

  • Provides a quicker & smoother bounce back after delivery

  • Supports a better & more comfortable latch for breastfeeding

  • Ensures a healthy frame for lifting, feeding, and caring for your baby

+ Kids +

Here are just some of the ways that consistent chiropractic care can help your child.


  • Nursing Issues

  • Reflux & Excessive Spitting Up

  • Stiffness & Tightness

  • Tummy Time & Car Seat

  • Gas Pains & Constipation

  • Colic & Excessive Crying

  • Torticollis & Cranial Shape



  • Congestion, Colds & Cough

  • Ear Infections

  • Sleep Issues

  • Eczema

  • Speech Development

  • Coordination Development



  • ADHD

  • Anxiety

  • Asthma

  • Sensory

  • Growing Pains

  • Bedwetting

  • Sleep

  • Behavior



  • Headaches

  • Anxiety/Depression

  • Sleep

  • Hormones

  • Sports Performance/Injuries

  • Academic Performance

  • Mood

+ Family +

Here is how chiropractic care for the whole family can be beneficial.

  • Families that are treated together often yield better results.

  • Children learn quickly from parents who model a healthy lifestyle.

  • Better sleep for everyone can occur when the household is well adjusted.

  • When the whole family is well rested & feeling great, fun times are sure to follow.